Thursday, 27 October 2011

'Fiery Passions' article - Reflection

I am left a little shaken after reading John McDonald's article for The Age, which illustrated a fiery argument between Indigenous artists and non-Indigenous Australians at an art forum in Cairns. I believe that Indigenous artists have a right to express their anger at mainstream Australia, but to be done so in a courteous fashion. Exclaiming statements against the 'boat people' only exacerbates the problem that has been existent since the beginning of colonial Australia. Being mixed race myself, I find it insensitive for an Indigenous Australian to desire equality but to dismiss the right for other races to live in Australia, who may be escaping similar situations of inequality. In order for this nation to move forward, both parties need to put things in the past. We can never forget, but Indigenous Australia can always forgive. I think that mainstream Australia is very aware of the past, and is accepting towards a future that is inclusive of all races. There will be no progression if either party continues to use the past as ammunition to fuel the racial fire. Unfortunately in answering the question, Indigenous artists who express their anger towards mainstream Australia does not help their cause. This is as evident from the article. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech but it must be done so eloquently and tastefully. Anger will only repel those who are already negative, and it is the youngest of Australians who are in need of education of this matter.

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